Elephant fun time - SafariLIVE Sunset - 13 December 2024

Описание к видео Elephant fun time - SafariLIVE Sunset - 13 December 2024

Catch up on a LIVE safari in the African bush where Eric had an amazing sighting of the elephants in Amakhala having fun in the sand. Whereas in Djuma, Cedric managed to catch up with Queen T on a mission.

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00:00:00 - Sunset Safari
00:23:32 -Solifugae digging
00:26:44 -Sunset Safari
00:33:43 - Ribbon and June bug
00:38:56 - Sunset Safari
01:20:53 -Elephants playing in the sand
01:30:30 - Sunset Safari
01:37:34 - Cedric Mud-wallowing
01:41:25 - Sunset Safari
02:24:13 - Tlalamba at Gowrie dam
02:30:51 - Sunset Safari
02:54:48 - Rhinos sitting


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