When I Come Home The Other Night, from the Max Hunter Folk Song Collection

Описание к видео When I Come Home The Other Night, from the Max Hunter Folk Song Collection

My sister and I just joking around having a good time together. There are several versions of this song, and several verses. This is the way we learned it. Here are the words to the song.

When I come home the other night
So drunk I couldn't see
I found a horse in th stable
Where my horse ought'a be
So, I says to my wife,
Explain this thing t' me
How come a horse in th stable
Where my horse ought'a be
O, you blind fool, ya crazy fool
Can't ya plainly see
It's only a milk cow
My Grandma sent t' me
Well, I've roamed th whole world over
A thousand times 'er more
But a saddle on a milk cow
I never saw b'fore

O, when I come home the other night
So drunk I couldn't see
I found a coat on th coat rack
Where my coat ought'a be
So, I says to my wife,
Explain this thing t' me
How come a coat on th coat rack
Where my coat ought'a be
O, you blind fool, ya crazy fool
Can't ya plainly see
It's only a crazy quilt
My Grandma sent t' me
Well, I've roamed th whole world over
A thousand times 'er more
But buttons on a crazy quilt
I never saw b'fore

O, when I come home the other night
So drunk I couldn't see
I found a head on th pillow
Where my head ought'a be
So, I says to my wife,
Explain this thing t' me
How come a head on my pillow
Where my horse ought'a be
O, you blind fool, ya crazy fool
Can't ya plainly see
It's only a cabbage head
My Grandma sent t' me
Well, I've roamed th whole world over
A thousand times 'er more
But a mustache on a cabbage head
I never saw b'fore



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