Wednesday Morning 4chan Mystery - A Hike Through the Mogollon Mountains

Описание к видео Wednesday Morning 4chan Mystery - A Hike Through the Mogollon Mountains

Anon recounts a strange event from one of his treks through the Mogollon Mountains. As he mentions in the end of this video, the event occurred in Unit 5A, a large area that you can peruse here:



The mountains that Anon was exploring are named after the Mogollon culture which flourished for over 1,000 years across New Mexico, Arizona, West Texas, and Chihuahua. This culture disappeared sometime around 1450 A.D.

The symbol that Anon finds inscribed upon the large stone is clearly that of the Knights of the Golden Circle, although he mentions that other symbols (impossible to make out) are inscribed on the stone as well. Might these have been Mogollon symbols? It would explain why they were far more weathered than the Knights of the Golden Circle's German-style cross.



Stones play an important role in the imagination of people everywhere. In some stories, the so-called Little People are said to travel between their world and our own through magic portals hidden in stones. In Aboriginal mythology, the Mimi spirits fled into the stones of the Australian landscape in order to escape a violent wind. They reside there to this day.



The idea of stones as doorways is interesting, and reminds me of the beginning of the Necronomicon. Yes, I know it's a work of fiction, but the comparison must be made.

The Necronomicon begins with the author claiming that one night, while traveling on foot, he happened to come across a stone with a strange symbol inscribed upon it.

The stone was very large, and impossible to move. He made camp near it, and went to sleep. But he was awakened in the middle of the night by a strange sound.

He observed men in dark robes gathered around the large stone, chanting. As they did this, the symbol on the stone began to glow, and the stone itself levitated up off of the ground.

One can't help but imagine that sort of scenario playing itself out here, especially with the stone apparently causing some sort of magnetic disturbance. Did Anon stumble upon a magic, occult stone that marked a gathering place for the worshipers of the Ancient Ones?

Not likely, but it's interesting to think about. And for the more adventurous, it's worth going to check out. But don't forget the warning that Anon received:

"You really shouldn't come out here again. It's not safe."

Word to the wise?


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