Warcraft Lore Facts - Fel Magic and Warlocks

Описание к видео Warcraft Lore Facts - Fel Magic and Warlocks

Evil demon-summoning magic and people.

Fel energy is a type of magic created from the destruction of life through sacrifice, and its weilders are named warlocks. The Eredar of the Burning Legion are reported to be the original warlocks, and fel magic supposedly carries the stench of sulfur and decay.

Fel magic works a little bit like radiation; it permeates the area and seeps into anything in the vicinity. Anything it touches emanates a strange green glow, in addition to other transformations, and the effects take a very long time to wear off. Its users often become corrupted physically, and, sometimes, mentally, and, inevitably, those saturated in fel energy are transformed into demons, a fate not even dragons are immune to.

There is a possibility that fel magic can turn people into already-defined demonic species. For example, Kirith the Damned, a Forsaken soldier loyal to the Horde, was captured by demons in the Blasted Lands and was eventually turned into a felhound. In addition, there is corespondence between the demonic leaders in Ashenvale that seems to imply that night elf females can be turned into succubi.

According to the journal of Archmage Antonidas, portals made with fel magic can be twice as large and last ten times as long as arcane portals. A student in Dalaran queried the Archmage as to why mage portals are not made with fel magic instead, and the journal notes that the student "did not understand the difference between what is achievable and what is practical".

Warlocks were often shunned or treated as criminals by most of the societies on Azeroth. However, recently, they have gradually started to become more and more accepted by the Alliance and the Horde. Warchief Thrall granted warlocks and rogues the use of the Cleft of Shadow within Orgrimmar, and both factions have used these spellcasters in battle. They still live on the fringe of society, however, and are often mistrusted.

While most of the shamans of the Old Horde turned into warlocks, the chieftain of the Dragonmaw clan, Zuluhed the Whacked, was a notable exception to this rule. Apparently the last and only shaman to accompany the Horde in its invasion, his visions led his clan to the discovery of the Demon Soul artifact. Unable to use it himself, Zuluhed gave it to his second, Nekros, a former warlock, who quickly managed to grasp its use, and the Dragonmaw enslaved the Red Dragonflight for use by the Horde. Zuluhed himself retreated to Draenor when the Second War was lost, and we next see him in Burning Crusade, leading the Dragonmaw in Outland, and apparently having embraced warlock magics.

Voiced by the always awesome Necroxis! Check out his channel here:
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