🌈Steve & Bucky || Find My Way Back✨

Описание к видео 🌈Steve & Bucky || Find My Way Back✨

✨To all Stucky shippers✨

"Rumlow said Bucky and...All of a sudden I'm a 16 year-old kid again in Brooklyn."


This video is probably gonna be the most important one I will ever post because I FINALLY managed to finish 1/∞ stucky project I’ve started since about 6 years ago(Kudos to myself lmao). I was hesitating about whether I should finish this now or wait untill avengers 4 but for the love of stucky I already stalled this way too long so yeah here we are ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), while editing these two really reminds me just how much I love them, seriously though if they are going to kill off Steve or Bucky or maybe both for good then they better give us 20 minutes Stucky content in avengers 4 or else!

Anyway I know the whole video is pretty much flawed and the last part is a mess(tbh I don’t know what I was doing especially with those texts urgh) but I had a blast vidding this one and hopefully y’all will enjoy it!

Colouring: Jane'sxwonderland/lightningxdisaster


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