Red Coral from Corsica documentary of Patrick Voillot

Описание к видео Red Coral from Corsica documentary of Patrick Voillot

English :    • Red Coral from Corsica documentary of...  
Deutsch :    • Die rote Koralle Korsikas Dokumentarf...  
French :    • Le corail de corse documentaire de Pa...  
Italian :    • Il Corallo rosso di Corsica documenta...  
Spanish :    • El coral rojo de Córcega documental ...  
Chinese :    • 科西嘉的红珊瑚紀錄片Patrick Voillot  
Russian :    • Красный коралл Корсики документальны...  
Japanese :    • コルシカ島の赤珊瑚のドキュメンタリーPatrick Voillot  
This film will take you into the world of silence or the big blue like a virus which drives men to risk their lives every day, diving to dangerous depths searching for the “blood of the sea”, an incomparable jewel: the red coral.

In the south of the island of Corsica in France, at the mouths of Bonifacio, the red blood coral grows, the most beautiful in the world and the most crystalline.

It has fascinated men for centuries. Because of its red colour and its mineral skeleton it was for long compared to the blood of the mythological gorgon killed by Perseus.

In this film you will dive with a real coral fisherman, who risks his life every day by descending to depths of more than 80 metres.

You will participate live in the gathering of red coral from Corsica.

You will be as near the coral fishermen as you ever could be. They live daily with anguish, disappointment and fear, but also passion and joy which they experience when they find these marvels of nature.

This is a veritable adventure on land and in the depth of the sea, which takes you to Italy, to Torre del Greco near Naples, where the red branches are cut, carved and sculptured. Thereafter they are exported to the rest of the world for making jewelry.

You will then discover the secrets of jeweler FRED and his creations.


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