An incredibly funny, insightful and moving video interview with Danny, only recently dx'd with MS.

Описание к видео An incredibly funny, insightful and moving video interview with Danny, only recently dx'd with MS.

Grab a coffee and get comfortable. If you are newly diagnosed or have had MS for a while now (like me!) you'll be captivated by Danny's story.

This is really worth 40 min of your time. You'll laugh and probably cry, so get some tissues handy!

In turns inspiring, joyful, and upsetting, Danny, a 32 guy in his prime, doesn't pull any punches when he describes:

- what lead to him being diagnosed
- how the process was
- how he felt
- what his worries are
- where he goes for information and support (Hint: he binge-watched every single video by Aaron Boster MS!)
- how he told his little girl
[Nelly climbs on his lap because she wants to tell me some stuff about her Daddy!]
- how he has managed it with a high-flying job
- what he thinks the future holds
- what drug he takes and why he chose it.

And please, if you have read this far then do me a solid and hit the Subscribe button.

Danny talks about the YouTube channel of Aaron Boster MD. You can find it here:
He tweets at @AaronBosterMD is at
Twitter @shiftms

@BlancaDios is the PhD researcher in Nottingham that Dan mentions.

Danny Tweets at @deeteezy


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