Mal’s Favorites: Lady in Red, Penny Mac & Twist-n-Shout – Hydrangea Macrophylla

Описание к видео Mal’s Favorites: Lady in Red, Penny Mac & Twist-n-Shout – Hydrangea Macrophylla

A lifelong gardener, Mal has been collecting, propagating, and growing hydrangeas for more than 40 years. An engineer by education and profession, he is strongly committed to the continuing development of the genus – always searching for new and better plants, evaluating their landscape performance, and finding superior ways to produce and grow them. He is currently the Curator of Hydrangeas at Heritage Museums & Gardens and totally involved with the continuing expansion of the Garden’s significant collections, including the North American Hydrangea Test Garden and The Cape Cod Hydrangea Society’s Display Garden.

Learn more about Mal's favorite hydrangeas here at Heritage Museums & Gardens.


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