Rich VS Poor Girl *How to make DIY FIDGETS FOR FREE*

Описание к видео Rich VS Poor Girl *How to make DIY FIDGETS FOR FREE*

The rich teenage girl gets the new viral fidgets she saw on TikTok, but the poor girl doesn’t— instead, she makes her own fidgets with what she’s got. These are easy to make and fun to play with. Make any one of these fidgets with just a few items from Amazon. Watch this video and learn how to DIY your own squishies and fidgets.

0:14 Bend however you want / Pop Tubes
1:20 Squishy Squirrel in a cup / Squirrel Cups
2:20 Pop, Pop, Pop! Touch the dimples / Simple Dimple
3:02 Cute animals you can squeeze / Mesh Squishy
3:42 Slimy and Foily / Squeezing Balls
4:28 Pop out the beanies! / Bean Fidget
5:04 Cute and fun / Squishies
5:53 All you can squeeze! / Stress Balls
6:47 Tears from rich people are better than other people’s tears / Rich People’s Tears
7:25 Colorful, Cheap, and Easy! / Straw Fidget

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#popit #fidgets #tiktok


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