Les Grands Ballets de Tahiti "HOTUHIVA" #1

Описание к видео Les Grands Ballets de Tahiti "HOTUHIVA" #1

2005, Live show (in France) called "HOTUHIVA" from *Les Grands Ballets de Tahiti*. The troop of "Les Grands Ballets de Tahiti" tells there the history
of Hotuhiva, princess of the island of Hawaiki, famous for her beauty
and her manner of dancing, with null another similar. Promised by
her father for another chief in order to consolidate the
supremacy of the clan, she flees hidden in a drum...
Twenty six parts with for each one, of the behaviours, the costumes
and the settings in scenes different, make this spectacle. This video is available here http://www.tahiti-boutique.com/MusicV...


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