Sonic Advance 2 - No Damage Boss Run (As Sonic)

Описание к видео Sonic Advance 2 - No Damage Boss Run (As Sonic)

It's time for the second game of the Advance series! Watch Sonic blaze through a new gauntlet of bosses fought in a completely different manner that you would think would compliment the Blue Blur's style.

General Notes:
1: All the bosses except one are fought "Running Man" style; They are all running away from you, and you have to catch up to them in order to damage them. Truly an interesting way of doing things, but it can create some problems.
2: Sonic has an "Air Dash" that's used by pressing forward twice in mid-air. It grants instant momentum, making some of the bosses easier to deal with.
3a: The melee attack, barring ONE specific instance, is completely useless against these particular bosses. That doesn't include the boss-breaking Cream.
4: The first seven bosses are done in Boss Attack, an unlockable extension to Time Attack. To unlock it, you need to collect seven Emeralds and beat the game with three characters.
5: Boss Names are, as always, taken from the Sonic Wiki. Though the Boss Attack actually lists the names of the first seven bosses, which is a nice touch.

Boss Notes:
Egg Hammer Tank MKII: Is it me, or is this boss even easier than the first one in Advance? Air Dash, back away, Air Dash after each hammer swing...
The Pinch Mode seems to do absolutely nothing for this guy. I think the hammer is slightly faster, which is... not amazing...

Egg Bomber Tank: A slightly tricky boss, the angle at which the cannon fires the bombs can catch you off guard. Once again, Air Dash will be your friend.
This boss is also more durable than most, taking 12 hits. After the first eight, the cannon explodes and the boss enters Pinch Mode, during which the bombs are fired at a fixed angle. At this point, the inclines are more of a threat, as is a feeling of overconfidence... and Air Dashing into a bomb.

Egg Totem: For some inexplicable reason, you can jump through the center of a platform, despite the spikes around it. You can also damage the turrets in each platform. (It takes 2-3 hits.), but you have to destroy each turret separately, and it's just better to go after the boss itself.
The Pinch mode shifts how the platforms move, often interchanging with each other. This can hurt itself more than it hurts you, though.

Aero Egg: This is the point where the game decides that the bosses up till now have been too easy. You don't have to use the tail platform to hit the boss, but it's lot easier to time with.
The Pinch Mode increases the drop speed of the bombs. Very much so. Not much I can say but hope that your timing is up to scratch. Remember, the debris from the explosions will hurt you too!

Egg Saucer: This one takes a while no matter how you slice. The hand has tremendous range (and has the potential to instantly crush you if it hits just right), and you can only damage Robotnik by hitting the capsule from the top, which isn't always easy. I recommend taking out the laser so you have one less thing to worry about.
The Pinch Mode increases how often the hand waves around (making the timing more difficult), and if the laser is still around, it's rate of fire is slightly increased.

Egg-Go-Round: This boss is truly best dealt with quickly. Otherwise, it becomes harder to hit the thing. And once again, you can only damage Robotnik by hitting the top of the capsule. The sparks Robotnik fires can also ruin your timing.
The Pinch Mode reverses the spin direction of the platforms, making it harder to time an attack. I'm not sure if the rate of fire for the spark is increased as well.

Egg Frog: Truly a whacky and interesting boss. You can switch gravity at will by pressing up or down, and you'll use this gimmick to dodge (and damage!) the boss.
The Pinch Mode... I'm not sure what it does. I think it makes the boss faster.

Super Egg Robo Z: The final boss of Sonic Advance returns! Weaker this time, though.
I take the slow route here and dispose of the rocket arms first. You can completely ignore destroying them if you so wish, but with them gone, you can take your time hitting the main boss.
The boss has no Pinch Mode. As you damage it, its laser fire rate increases more and more.

Egg Shooter: Can you say "Bullet Hell"? The Super Sonic Boss of this game throws a lot at you, and is actually a pretty thrilling Doomsday Zone remake.
You can only damage this boss by reflecting the missiles back at it. Only the head is vulnerable to damage, and the constant bullet spreads can make aiming difficult.
You are COMPLETELY immune to damage during a dash. While short lived, you can use it to make narrow escapes.
This boss also has twelve hits of damage, with the Pinch Mode activating after eight hits. During this, the boss spins towards a corner while firing missiles. The boss also flashes red after the eighth hit, to let you know you're making progress.

And so, with that wall of text done and over with, I thank you for watching the video. I hope you enjoyed it, and I will see you in the next project. Take Care Now!


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