HH Sakya Gongma Visit to Santsham Chorten, Paro. 2024

Описание к видео HH Sakya Gongma Visit to Santsham Chorten, Paro. 2024

This morning His Holiness Sakya Gongma Trichen Rinpoche visited Shechen Thegchok Chokyi Gatsel in Paro Satsam Chorten in Bhutan. Gongma Rinpoche was received by Adzom Gyalse Rinpoche,Semo Chime la Khenpo Nawang Gyamtso, Shechen monks and nuns along with other devotees with a Traditional Bhutanese welcoming ceremony. Rinpoche blessed the Phurba Lhakang and Kudung Chorten and gave blessing to the devotees.


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