Akmola region

Описание к видео Akmola region

Terra Inkognita №9

The history of Akmola region dates back to the 19th century when the nomadic cattle breeding had been a significant part of the economy of people living there. It was founded in 1868. The administrative center of Akmola region is the Kokshetau city. It was founded in 1824 as a military fortress.

The rapid growth of Kokshetau began in the second half of the 50s. By that time, a garment factory, a plant for oxygen-respiratory equipment were operating, which was the largest enterprise of this settlement for a long time with several thousand people of staff. Since 1954, buses and taxis began running in the city. Cultural Centers and a 3-storey regional hospital were built. A large-scale housing construction began, the first asphalted street appeared. Kokshetau city became an important industrial center of the region.


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