War of Rights | UEC Saturday Event | Jan 29th 2K21 | Nicodemus Hill

Описание к видео War of Rights | UEC Saturday Event | Jan 29th 2K21 | Nicodemus Hill

JEB Stuart held Nicodemus Hill on the morning of Sept. 17th 1862, directly flanking the Yankees in the North Woods. Early in the morning these guns were part of what was called "Artillery Hell" Hooker sent men to move Stuart from his flank. In this UEC Saturday Event we have the 51st NY and 1st VA clashing with the 8th FL and Jenkins Brigade. Can the Union move the Confederates off the hill the same way the Union did on that day so long ago?

Thank you to the UEC for allowing me to film their event.

Special thanks to CzTekk for the FP footage

And go check out my friend Schimmelfennig. He does deep dives into the players of WAR OF RIGHTS
   / @schimmelfennig726  


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