Dandadan Episode 9 Reaction Merge! Serpo Dover Demon Nessie! 外の反応 ダンダダン9
• Dandadan Episode 9 Reaction Merge! Se...
I miss the conservative religious people at least I could respect them, people like Jack Thompson and Tipper Gore where at least like educated people who at least would make conversation and could debate
today instead we have Woke Tourist that cannot even do BASIC MATH trying to cancel video games and anime like wtf is this
These people hated music, dnd, gaming and anime but they also had master degrees and sometimes even PHD and where actualyl really good at least playing their side.
Now instead we are "debating" people who cannot even construct basic sentences and themselves have zero moral to stand on
This typical woke tourist have no Morals themselves, they produce hen stuff of sailor moon just wtFG? who are they to tell me nor anyone else what is morally right or wrong in this world. they have zero moral high to stand on.
I dont agree with Tipper Gore but I can respect her, how she acts and how she conducted herself in her attempt to ban music, but I cannot respect a cat lady who cannot even do basic math.
0:00 Should dandadan be banned !?
0:40 I miss the religious conservative right
1:20 This is the last person to tell anyone what is morally right or wrong
2:10 What actually happened in dandadan episode 9
5:10 I miss jack Thompson
6:00 Tipper Gore vs Crazy cat lady
7:20 She cannot even do basic math why does this person has any fans
8:00 Our enemies used to be real serious people, like lawyers etc now we have Woke Tourist who never had a job.
8:45 This is why we hate Woke Tourist.
9:45 I am sure this person likes Tsunade X Narut Futa stuff
11:40 This person herself uses AI to make Sailor Moon Stuff
16:00 God I miss Jack Thompsons at least I could respect him
19:45 Why does this person hates dandadanecchi but accepts Naruto etc?
24:00 Basic logic Explained
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