Animals As Leaders - Tempting Time - Sitar Cover

Описание к видео Animals As Leaders - Tempting Time - Sitar Cover

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UPDATE: 13/07/15:
'' I hereby wanted to bring in your notice that my effort just reached Tosin abasi and his words were a dream come true and have encouraged my beyond anything - and I am at lost of words and cant hold onto this beautiful moment.I wont be ever able to thank each and every oneof you enough-I will be up with more in no time-Peace! " - Rishabh Seen

1.OVERVIEW- 'Sitar' played by Rishabh Seen (Age 18) from India - A few things I'ld love to share -
-For starting something that has never been done on a Sitar - I had to change nearly everything related to how I approached my instrument,how I played the instrument, how I viewed my FretBoard,using the theory of Indian music that I have studied and relating it to Metal and particularly Animals as Leaders - which was mind numbing , eye opening and Opened a whole new door of musical possibilties for me - I can't say If i'ld be ever able to thank Animals as Leaders enough for their music and Metal music in general.

2.GET IN TOUCH- Since its not possible to share everything like - my GOAL,APPROACH on sitar,LIMITATIONS faced - here on youtube's description section I have joined ( )for this Particular Purpose only (apart from facebook,twitter etc)- I encourage every viewer to come up with all and everything they have to say to me and the future plans related to Bringing Sitar into Progressive Metal premises or anything they have.I'l also be active on youtube for answering you all

Get in touch here -
   / rishabhseen  

-This work of mine goes out as my respect to Animals as Leaders and Indian Musicians

-This is something I am completely new to - playing metal,covering songs,presenting an Indian acoustic Instrument 'Sitar' in such a setup musically which has never been done before in our music's and tis instrument's history.I hope I did and I continue to do justice with my Instrument , AAleaders Music and Music in general.A Humble effort, I will Keep trying.

-This is just the begining the next Animals as Leaders cover comes out in August 2015
(More details on Facebook)

A lot of stuff coming up - a lot.
Heartfelt Thanks to every viewer!

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