Over 40? How to start your acting career

Описание к видео Over 40? How to start your acting career

Most people think that there is no life after 40. They certainly don't think they can start an entirely new career, especially one known for hiring Beautiful People such as the career of acting. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are always looking for new faces and if you are over 40 you have a couple of natural advantages over younger people.

First of all, you have life experience which will help you in your acting. Second of all you have life and work experience which will make you more useful to people in the industry. If you have developed some special skills overtime that some people in the business might find helpful then you can develop relationships with them long before you ever think of getting an acting job. Once you have those relationships you will have them for life and when your acting skills have caught up these people you have relationships with will be happy to put you into rolls because they would much rather hire their friends than strangers.



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