Helium Hoop Teambuilding ROI

Описание к видео Helium Hoop Teambuilding ROI

Helium Hoop teaches each team member to focus on what they are doing instead of worrying about what their teammates are doing

This is also a good activity to appoint a project manager so the team can lower on the managers count or command

Here are the rules we give to the teams on our GPS phones or hard copies.

YOUR GOAL is to lower The Hoop as a group
from your Shoulders all the way to your Knees
without any team member disconnecting from
The Hoop at any time.

Every member of your team must rest The Hoop
only on top of their Index Fingers pointing forward.

If any member of your team disconnects from
The Hoop at any time, you must start again
from your shoulders.

Your team must repeat this process until
you lower the Hoop all the way to your knees
with No Disconnections!

YOU CANNOT use any other body part besides your
index fingers to hold The Hoop.

YOU CANNOT curl your fingers or grip the
hoop in any way.

This seems very easy, but is very hard!


Информация по комментариям в разработке