Ex IRS: When IRS Knocks On Your Door, NEVER SPEAK TO THEM, Learn Why

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Welcome to my YouTube channel! My name is Mike Sullivan, and I’m a former IRS agent and teaching instructor with over 41 years of experience in private tax defense. I’ve worked on thousands of cases and spent 10 years on the inside at the IRS. My goal here is to share my expertise from both sides of the table to help you navigate tax issues with confidence and clarity.

Today, I want to talk about a situation that might make your heart skip a beat—what to do if the IRS knocks on your door. This is an important topic, as many people don’t know how to handle such encounters, and making the wrong move could lead to serious consequences.

First and foremost, it’s crucial to remain calm and cordial. If someone from the IRS comes to your door, answer it politely and find out who they are. However, under no circumstances should you engage in conversation or provide any information. Why? Because everything you say can be recorded, used against you, or even misinterpreted during an investigation.

As a former IRS agent, I used to knock on doors myself, so I know exactly how these interactions work. Revenue officers often appear friendly and approachable, but don’t be fooled—they’re there to gather information. They might say things like, “We just need a few details” or “This is routine.” Don’t fall for it. Even the smallest comment could come back to haunt you.

Interestingly, the IRS has recently made significant changes to their procedures. Civil IRS revenue officers no longer knock on doors. This change happened about six months ago, primarily due to safety concerns and scams involving impersonators. Now, if the IRS wants to meet with you, they’ll call and schedule a meeting. The only exception is for criminal investigations. If someone from IRS Criminal Investigation (CI) comes to your door, it’s a much more serious situation.

CI agents are not there to talk about your taxes—they’re investigating potential criminal activity. They might be targeting you, or they could be trying to gather information about someone else. Either way, it’s essential to stay silent. Remember the old saying: “Why did the fish end up on the Taxidermy wall? It opened its mouth.” Don’t make that mistake.

If a CI agent or special agent from the IRS shows up, be friendly but say nothing. Politely let them know you’ll be contacting your tax professional or attorney. Then, call me immediately. With my decades of experience, I can guide you on what to do next and help protect your rights.

It’s critical to handle these situations correctly from the start. The wrong words could lead to legal trouble, and even innocent comments can be misconstrued. Stay calm, stay polite, and stay silent.

For more tips and insights on dealing with the IRS, make sure to subscribe to my channel. If you ever find yourself in a tough spot, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Together, we’ll navigate the complexities of the IRS and protect what matters most.


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💻 Visit our website for more info: https://sullivan4irsmatters.com/
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📞 Call us for solutions: 954-328-3501

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Mr. Sullivan is a former Irs agent and teaching instructor with the Irs is a Revenue officer. When Irs knocks on your door, it is usually a special agent or someone from criminal investigation generally Irs is knocking on your door because either you are a target investigation or somebody else is a target that you may know someone maybe you've worked for or someone that prepared your tax return please understand that IRS criminal investigation special agents are only there to put people in jail, who are usually guilty of a crime. Please always be friendly. Please always be courteous. Please always get their number and badge number and then let them know. You will have somebody reach out the very next day to contact them. Always be extremely friendly and let them know that you will get back to him as soon as they can to help or you need to help.


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