Cool your jets

Описание к видео Cool your jets

The idiom "cool your jets" is an informal expression that means to calm down, relax, or take a break from being overly excited, impatient, or aggressive. It is often used to advise someone to be patient, to not rush into something, or to control their emotions. This phrase is commonly used in informal conversations or in a casual setting.
Here are a few examples to illustrate the usage of the idiom:
1. Example: A group of friends is eagerly waiting for their favorite band to start playing at a concert. One friend, who is getting restless, is constantly checking their watch and pacing back and forth. Another friend might say, "Hey, cool your jets! The band will start soon. Let's enjoy the atmosphere."
2. Example: A student is eagerly waiting for the teacher to return graded exams. The student is getting anxious and keeps asking their classmates if they have received their grades. The teacher might say, "You need to cool your jets. I will hand them out when I'm ready."
3. Example: Two colleagues are working on a project together, and one person is becoming frustrated with the slow progress. The other colleague might say, "We need to cool our jets and take a step back. Let's brainstorm some new ideas and approach it from a different angle."
Overall, the idiom "cool your jets" is a lighthearted way of telling someone to relax, be patient, and not let their excitement or impatience get the best of them. It encourages individuals to take a moment to gather their thoughts, calm down, and approach a situation with a more level-headed attitude.


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