Super Mario Odyssey FOUND BITS | New LEAKED Costumes & Lost Bits Update [TetraBitGaming]

Описание к видео Super Mario Odyssey FOUND BITS | New LEAKED Costumes & Lost Bits Update [TetraBitGaming]

► Super Mario Odyssey LOST BITS:    • Super Mario Odyssey LOST BITS | Unuse...  

Welcome to Super Mario Odyssey FOUND Bits !

Hey guys, so just a quick update video to the Super Mario Odyssey Lost Bits video I made a few months ago! Since then, much of the unused content has made it's way to the game! Additionally, just recently more unused costumes have been discovered and will likely be added to the game soon! These costumes include:

Conductor Mario
Racing Mario
Hariet Mario
Rango Mario
Spewart Mario
8 Bit Mario
Santa Mario
Zombie Mario

If you enjoyed this video, don't forget to LIKE!! :D

ecumber:   / ecumber05  

Super Mario Odyssey
Super Mario Odyssey Costumes

► MORE Lost Bits!:    • Lost Bits!  

Interested in other things I do? Please don't forget to check me out in my other social medias to keep up to date with stuff not found on YouTube such as Twitch live streams as well as Twitter posts, or video game related Instagram posts! Much appreciated!

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Music Courtesy of:
Bulby ►    / mrbulbamike  

Thumbnail 8Bit Mario Render ►


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