How To Get A Million Coins

Описание к видео How To Get A Million Coins

An instructional video on how to get a million coins in Golf Battle. I explain how I got to a million coins and what I have learned through months of playing. Enjoy! Thanks for watching and don't forget to throw a like and subscribe for more Golf Battle content!

By request: Text added to be copied into translator. It's not exact, but is what a based the speech off of.
Today I am going to explain and show how to get to a million coins in Golf Battle. I will go over tips and tricks for playing the game, strategy to get to a million coins, and then random tips that I have found to be usefull over my time of playing.
I already have the fundamentals down in this game and will not be following my own strategy exactly just to save time and my insanity.
The first thing to go over is playing the game. Some tips I have to give and things that have worked for me is playing with my index finger vs my thumb as this just gives more control. Also I often play with my phone lying on the table. Because I have a pop socket, the phone is at an angle and not dead flat on the table. I believe the angle helps me to play better. The other way is holding the phone in my hand and making sure my elbow is on the arm of a chair or something sturdy and comfortable. These help with stability and overall precision.
If you watch the game play, you notice that I line up the screen with the next shot while the ball is still moving so you only really have to shoot straight, with minor adjustments. It saves a lot of time. Another tip is it takes less time to take your time and line up a good shot vs going too quick and making a bad one to just fall off the map. I still make that mistake more than I care to admit.
At the beginning, coins can seem easy to lose, which is fine. Learning the game and the holes takes time, and you will get it down in a few hours of play. The game does offer a lot of ways to get free coins, gems, and chests. So make sure to watch the videos to get free stuff and accept the gifts from “Lexi” and your friends if you link up Facebook, which I suggest since its how you save your account. Also do the lucky shot and maybe youll get lucky and win something good.
Also concerning coins is the progression of the levels and the stakes at hand. The way I did this when I started and the way I recommend is I would make sure I had enough coins to play the next level 5 times. So before I would move to rocky mountains I would make sure I had over 1,125 coins, and before I moved to snowy valley I would have over 3,500 coins. I would keep continuing this until you can get to the pro maps, and there you can play your favorites or if you have a very good club for one of them that will give you an edge over other players. Now in that progression, if I was struggling with a new course, I would drop back down to get my coins back up and then get back at it. Just follow this until you get to a million coins and beyond.
Another tip I have for you is to not upgrade every club the game gives you. Wait until you unbox a club that’s already pretty good and only upgrade clubs that will make it your new best club. Typically, go for the club with the most power as that will give you the most advantage. Once you have plenty of coins, you can upgrade everything and it really wont matter. One mistake I made in this video was saving up gems to buy the champion chest vs opening all of the basic chests. Until you have all of the basic and premium items I wouldn’t worry about saving up for a better chest. That’s why I had to play this through with the basic clubs.
Another topic would be shortcuts. These can be a huge game changer, saving time and number of shots. Always pay attention to what other players are doing and don’t be afraid to take a game or two to figure them out for yourselves. YouTube is a pretty good source…



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