루크 케이지 시즌 2 LUKE CAGE Season 2 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC)

Описание к видео 루크 케이지 시즌 2 LUKE CAGE Season 2 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC)

한반지: https://oneringtrailers.com?m=100941
루크 케이지 시즌 2 예고편들: https://goo.gl/1qFH7Z
드라마 예고편들: https://goo.gl/70YBfd

• 원제: Luke Cage Season 2
• 미국 방영일: 2018년 6월 22일 (Netflix)
• 음악: M.O.P. - Ante Up https://oneringtrailers.com?s=100926

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루크 케이지 시즌 2 공식 예고편 영문 스크립트
Luke Cage Season 2 Official Trailer English Transcript

Yo, I'm Luke Cage.
You wanna test me?
You know where to find me.
Got it all, man!
Everybody talking about Luke Cage like he's Jesus.
The bulletproof black man.
For the hard rocks, he's the ghetto boogeyman of their nightmares.
Really, guys?
He got to know we tried, man.
But one man cannot save a community.
You can't keep doing what you're doing.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
And believe me, Luke Cage is nothin' but a man.
Harlem is mine!
Hate to see such a positive brother like Luke Cage go down like that.
He hurt you.
You're not invulnerable, Luke.
Anyone who can take you on barehanded can't be good for Harlem.
I gotta find him.
What makes him so scary?
Hope you never have to find out.
You tell Bushmaster that I'm coming.
I've seen you raw, but never brutal.
Sometimes brutality gets shit done.
Harlem doesn't need a hero.
It needs a queen.
The darkness that you deal with every day, it can consume you whole, if you let it.
Don't let it.
Just so we're clear, I'm not in the market for a sidekick.
Who says you're not my sidekick?
It's my show.


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