烤卡門貝爾乳酪起司 ( Baked Camembert Cheese )

Описание к видео 烤卡門貝爾乳酪起司 ( Baked Camembert Cheese )


1. 卡門貝爾起司
2. 番茄
3. 馬鈴薯
4. 玉米筍
5. 白酒
6. 蒜頭

烤箱溫度 200°C 20分鐘


Let's make the sinful delicacy with me, baked Camembert cheese.
The recipe is very simple. The ingredients can also be replaced with other vegetables. It's also good with baguette.

Ingredients in the video:
1. Camembert cheese
2. Tomato
3. Potato
4. Baby corn
5. Garlic

Baked at 200°C for 20 min


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