PrepLadder vs Marrow | NEET PG | FMGE | NEXT

Описание к видео PrepLadder vs Marrow | NEET PG | FMGE | NEXT

Welcome back to medicos

in this video we compared ‪@marrowmed‬ vs ‪@PrepLaddermedpg‬

please watch complete video at the end we mention which app is perfect for which is of student

preladder vs marrow is always a topic for debate ...

marrow vs prepladder is always confusion amongs students for neet pg preparation

prepladder and marrow is both online platform for neet pg preparation ..

marrow and prepladder both updated for NEXT PG preparation

video hours for prepladder
video hours for marrow

#medicos #marrow #prepladder #marrowvsprepladder

#freemedlectures #NEETPG #neetpg #NEETPG2022


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