Changes (My Koala discovery anniversary)

Описание к видео Changes (My Koala discovery anniversary)

A year ago, lying sick in bed, I discovered the potential of Koala Sampler and with just my voice and the sounds created by my mouth, I made my first song - on my Android phone. Now after a year I am again lying in bed not feeling well, even though I am not sick :) So as a reminder, I thought to go back to my phone after a long time and make a song, again in bed, using only my voice and the sounds of my mouth. It's called Changes. Why? Because many changes have taken place in the past year...

You can get the song in the full quality on Bandcamp:

Thank you Martin Frölich aka ElPixel for the amazing pictures! And ‪@Hegrind‬ for your guidance in the mastering process :)
Every tiny bit of support makes a huge difference! Thank you 🙏



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