The Integration of Awakening: Shakti Caterina Maggi

Описание к видео The Integration of Awakening: Shakti Caterina Maggi

If you would like to hear more from Shakti Caterina Maggi, please join her Feb–March 2021 for a 3-part Live and interactive webinar series, "Dwelling in the Heart." Learn more at

Speaking at SAND18 Italy, Shakti Caterina Maggi shares the clarity and authenticity of her vision of the divinity of humanity. She talks of life itself as the perfect reflection of consciousness, as the true spiritual practice and, in answer to questions from the audience, describes suffering as the need to fix the dream instead of loving it. When we welcome everything as it is, then we know what love is, then we are free.

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Science And NonDuality is a community inspired by timeless wisdom, informed by cutting-edge science, and grounded in personal experience. We come together in an openhearted exploration to further our individual and collective evolution. New ways of being emerge. We embody our interconnectedness and celebrate our humanity.


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