2 Easy Methods to Install YUM Packages With Dependencies | LinuxSimply

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Are you facing problems installing yum packages with dependencies? Then this video "2 methods to install yum packages with dependencies" is for you. Whether you're a seasoned linux user or just starting, this tutorial will equip you with the knowledge to install yum packages efficiently.

Yum (yellowdog updater, modified) packages are software packages used in red hat-based linux distributions, managed by the yum package manager. Dependencies are other packages or libraries required for a particular software to function correctly. Yum resolves dependencies automatically by downloading and installing all necessary components when installing or updating software packages, simplifying the software management process for users.

💡 Key Topics Covered:
1. Installing packages with dependencies from repository using yum
2. Installing local package with dependencies using yum
3. Learn to use the gnome software (gui) to install yum packages and their dependencies seamlessly.
4. Common challenges that may occur during the installation of yum packages with dependencies.

Empower yourself with the knowledge of installing yum packages efficiently while managing dependencies effectively. Subscribe for more linux insights and enhance your proficiency in package management on linux!

Content Index
0:00 Introduction
0:19 Method 01: Using YUM/Yumdownloader in CLI to Install Packages With Dependencies
0:45 Case 01: Installing Packages With Dependencies From Repository Using YUM
1:50 Case 02: Installing Local Package With Dependencies
2:52 Method 02: Using GNOME Software Environment GUI to Install

Instructor Details
Sharmin Ara Karim

Editor Details
MD. AL Nahian Aume

Article Link:
2 Methods to Install YUM Packages With Dependencies

Commands Used:
Method 01: Using YUM/Yumdownloader in CLI to Install Packages With Dependencies
Case 01: Installing Packages With Dependencies From Repository Using YUM
1. sudo yum install -y httpd
2. sudo yum install httpd gnome-photos atlas

Case 02: Installing Local Package With Dependencies
1. mkdir ~/mypack/
2. cd ~/mypack/
3. sudo yumdownloader --resolve httpd
4. ls ~/mypack/
5. sudo rpm -ivh *.rpm

Method 02: Using GNOME Software Environment GUI to Install
1. gnome-software

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