Day of the sammer solstice(quarrel sisters)past 19

Описание к видео Day of the sammer solstice(quarrel sisters)past 19

When the girls came to the tree of harmony, the evil Kosmika immediately flew to them.
- What are you doing here??? Do you want to beat me with your pebbles??? AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Kosmika flew to the tree of harmony and took the element of magic and threw it on the floor.
- NO! - shouted Cometa together with the girls.
The element of magic broke into two parts. But at the same moment, these parts transformed into a purple spark and a pink star. Kosmika caught the spark and brought it to herself and it turned into a necklace.
- Kosmiko, what are you doing?! - shouted Comet.
- As a real queen, I will do what I want!
- Please calm down! Let's talk .
- We have nothing to talk about!
- Please stop! You scare all the ponies!
- No, sister, I myself decide what to do! And first I will do it!
Kosmika pulled the crown out of Comet's hair and put it on herself, the crown instantly turned black.
- That's already much better!
- Kosmiko, if you think that you can tame and intimidate everyone, then you are wrong! If you want to be a princess ..... then I will give you the throne and the right to inherit the kingdom. But please, don't hurt the pony.
- Hahaha, do you seriously think that I can't do it with the help of an element?
- But the elements are essentially just crystals that become magical with the help of ponies' emotions. Elements and power are not the main thing.
- Enough chatter! It's time to make stone statues of you! Ahhahaha!!!!
The comet covered the girls and the sister. The ponies saw how Cosmica directed her magic at them. They closed their eyes waiting for the blow.
A second or two passed. But Comet did not feel anything. Then she opened her eyes and saw a pink dome above them, protecting them from the magic of the Cosmos.
- What it is ?! Why doesn't the element work?!- shouted Kosmika.
- Kosmika, the elements of harmony become powerful only when you fill them with your emotions and qualities!
She and the girls flew up, and Selena stayed in the dome.
- But why these stupid qualities, when you can just have power?! And you don't need any friends!" shouted Kosmika.
- With power, you will be powerful, but without friends you will be lonely.
Here the elements began to be patched up to the girls.
- We will help you find the right path, sister. This will help us...
- The magic of generosity!
- The magic of kindness!
- The magic of loyalty!
- The magic of laughter!
- The magic of honesty!
- The magic of friendship!


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