EMIYA -Alter- 〔エミヤ-オルタ-〕 Theme 【Fanmade】

Описание к видео EMIYA -Alter- 〔エミヤ-オルタ-〕 Theme 【Fanmade】

Those who follow my Facebook page may or may not know I've been fiddling around with FL Studio recently. Initially, it was just going to be an EMIYA remix without too much meaning. But then I thought, why not incorporating it with some other elements to make it sound like EMIYA Alter's. So this is basically my impression of how it could sound like. Feel free to give critics as this is my very first FL Studio project. They'd help me out.

My version is inspired by the original VN version and I used Mighty Wind's guitar pattern to give it that Alter feel. Those who noticed, props to you xP

Apples have been burned to get to that Shinjuku chapter to get the game footage. I could've gotten it off YouTube but I wanted to give Nero some screen time. xD

Anyways, next season is around the corner so hopefully we'll get some more covers up soon. Thanks for listening!

Also, Fate/Apocrypha hype!!
★Source and credits★
Mix and guitars: DarkAngelWJ

Picture 1: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.ph...
Picture 2: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.ph...
Picture 3: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.ph... (Edited it with the official EMIYA Alter final ascension art)
FGO anime footage:    • TVCM 第8弾  
FGO gameplay footage: home recorded :v
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