Homemade Kimchi-ASMR

Описание к видео Homemade Kimchi-ASMR


700gr Sawi Putih
120 gr Wortel
200gr Lobak
1 ikat Lokio
Garam (sekitar 2.5% dari berat sawi)

Bahan Pasta Kimchi:
1/2 buah Pir
1 buah Bawang Bombay Sedang
4 sdm Gochugaru (Bubuk Cabai Korea)
6 siung Bawang Putih
1 jempol Jahe
1 1/2 sdm Kecap Asin
1 sdm Terasi Tempe
1 sdm Gula Aren
250 ml air
2 sdm tepung beras

Cara Membuat:
1. Sawi Putih yang sudah dicuci bersih dan dikeringkan dibelah bagian batang dengan pisau, lalu tarik sisanya dengan tangan hingga terbelah
2. Beri Garam pada setiap lapisan daun sambal digosok-gosok, agar air dalam sawi keluar merata, diamkan dan bolak balik setiap 30 menit sebanyak 2-3 kali
3. Di dalam panci, masukkan tepung beras dan air, aduk hingga rata dan larut, panaskan di atas kompor dengan api sedang sambal diaduk, kurang lebih 1 menit hingga adonan mengental seperti bubur, angkat
4. Haluskan bawang putih, jahe, bawang Bombay, buah pir hingga menjadi pasta, masukkan gochugaru, kecap asin, terasi tempe, gula aren, aduk rata
5. Masukkan irisan wortel, lobak, dan lokio, aduk hingga merata
6. Cuci sawi putih 2-3 kali agar kadar garamnya berkurang, tiriskan dan peras kering
7. Oleskan Pasta Kimchi ke setiap lapisan daun sawi, masukkan kimchi ke dalam wadah kering dan bersih
8. Tekan kimchi hingga padat agar tidak ada rongga Udara
9. Tutup rapat, simpan Kimchi di ruang gelap dan kering 2-7 hari (sesuai preferensi rasa yang diinginkan)
10. Simpan Kimchi di kulkas



700gr Chinese Cabbage
120 gr Carrot
200gr Radish
1 bunch Fresh Chives
Salt (approximately 2.5% of the weight of chinese cabbage)

Kimchi Paste Ingredients:
1/2 pear
1 medium onion
4 tbsp Gochugaru (Korean Chili Powder)
6 cloves of Garlic
1 thumb Ginger
1 1/2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp Terasi Tempe (Fermented Soybean Powder)
1 tbsp Palm Sugar
250 ml water
2 tbsp rice flour

How to make:
1. Chinese cabbage that have been washed clean and dried, cut the stems with a knife, then pull the rest with your hands until they split
2. Rub salt on each layer of the leaves, so that the water in the cabbage comes out evenly, let it sit and turn over every 30 minutes 2-3 times
3. In a saucepan, add rice flour and water, stir until smooth and dissolved, heat on the stove over medium heat while stirring, approximately 1 minute until the mixture thickens like porridge, remove from heat
4. Blend the garlic, ginger, onion, pear until it becomes a paste, add the gochugaru, soy sauce, tempe paste, palm sugar, stir well.
5. Add the sliced ​​carrots, radishes and chives, stir until evenly mixed
6. Wash the chinese cabbage 2-3 times to reduce the salt content, drain and squeeze dry
7. Spread Kimchi Paste onto each layer of cabbage leaves, put the kimchi in a dry and clean container
8. Press the kimchi so that there are no air spaces
9. Close tightly, store Kimchi in a dark and dry room for 2-7 days (according to desired taste preferences)
10. Store Kimchi in the refrigerator


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