Defeats of my Favorite Villans Part 1(3 Songs)

Описание к видео Defeats of my Favorite Villans Part 1(3 Songs)

Villian Quotes:
Hahaha, you're so funny, i'm gonna punch you in the face- Hitmonchan
It's Town Edition, youll understand when youre older- Nidoking
I Won't go back Alone- Sahra Ravencroft
You and i will be together, forever- Griffany
You want me to be the bad guy, fine now im the bad guy- Mother Gothel
Be Happy- Happy Chapman
Today Monstro City, Tomorrow the World- Dr.Stranglove
Someday I will be able to make the whole world miserable- Vicky
ROOOOAR- Spike (Adult)
I Won't Let anyone allow to stop me no matter what- Ghetsis
It's time to disiplen the naught children- King Goobot
Did somebody page the king of awesome?- Bowser
You May come out, when you learn to be a loving daughter - Other Mother/Beldam
My name is Dr. Eggman- the world's greatest scientist, and soon to be the world's greatest ruler. Now witness the beginning of the greatest empire of all time - Dr.Eggman
You were right! I did'nt understand magic, but i do now - Midnight Sparkle
Can you're ideas change the world- Chester V.
I will get those birds, every last one of them- Myles Standish
Our goventment thinks astroids are earth's biggest threat, but some of us know better, the biggest threat to planet earth, Aliens - General Shanker
Then all i have to say is, goodbye- Overlord
I am desgined to be youre replacement, you are DVD, and im Blu-Ray - Mephone5
HAHAHA- Tiger General
Rember me Eddie, when i killed your brother, i talked just like THIS!!- Judge Doom
Electric Storm heading youre way - Mr.Electric
More Power, Than i Could Ever imagine- Sunset Shimmer
Why, I Can't Think of any reason you ever wanna go outside of town again,ever- Anyolius O'Hare
There is no where to run to when it's, MY WORLD- Crocker
Oh Yeahhhhhh- Victor
And with only 10 seconds left and the inablity to shut down or destory your computer, you are all going to die and will go to hell- Barney
Youre time is up Danny, it's been up for ten years- Dark Danny
You're not Nintendo, your Pretendo, You are all RACE TRAITORS- Mario
Nothing Personal, It's Just Buisness, Lord Buisness - Lord Buisness
Tell your Emperor to send his strongest armies! I'm ready - Shan Yu
... - Red
BOOOOCK- Ernie the Giant Chicken
Don't worry, this will only hurt alot.- Dennis
Hello, Do you want to play, with me- Sonic.exe


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