My Favorite Homemade Green Cleaners

Описание к видео My Favorite Homemade Green Cleaners

From my go-to, all surface spray to a fruit and veggie wash, find out the four favorite homemade green cleaning recipes that I use to keep my home clean, without breaking the bank or using chemicals.

#1: "All-Surface Spray"
(recipe inspired by: “Merlin’s Magic” from Karen Logan’s Clean House, Clean Planet
16 oz. spray bottle (
Melaleuca or tea tree oil (
3 Tbs. Dr. Bronner's castile soap (
funnel (
Directions: Fill a 16 oz. spray bottle nearly to the top with water. Add 3 Tablespoons of Dr. Bronner’s castile soap and 20-30 drops of tea tree oil (or 1/2 tsp.). Shake it well and spray it on bathroom or kitchen surfaces, floors. Wipe off with a damp cloth.

#2: “Dusting Spray”
(recipe inspired by: “Dust to Dust Furniture Polish” from Karen Logan’s Clean House, Clean Planet)
16-ounce spray bottle (
2 teaspoons olive oil (
Lemon essential oil (
1/4 cup white distilled vinegar (
water, enough to fill bottle

Mix 20 drops of essential oil, olive oil, and vinegar with hot water in bottle. Gently shake mixture. Now you're ready to dust! I always make sure to shake this bottle a bit each time before I use it so the oil mixes back up with the water. Have fun dusting and polishing!

#3: “Fruit and Veggie Wash”
1 cup white vinegar (
1 cup water
1 spray bottle (
funnel (
Directions: Pour the vinegar and water into the spray bottle and shake up. Add a few drops of essential oils (lemon, orange, etc.) if you do not like the vinegar smell. I used to not like it, but now I don't even notice it! Now just spray this on your fruits and veggies to get them nice and clean, without breaking the bank! I usually just spray it on my fruits or veggies and then rinse them clean with the water. You could also place them in a colander or strainer and let them sit with the solution
on them for a few minutes for a deeper clean if you like.

#4: “Tub Cleaner”
spray bottle (
1 cup vinegar (
1 cup dish soap, I use Earth Friendly Products Dishmate Dish Soap Grapefruit (
funnel (
Measure in 1 cup of vinegar, followed by 1 cup of dish soap. Gently shake mixture. Now you're ready to start cleaning.
1. Start by spraying down your tub. Specifically, spray the areas that are dirty like the ring around it or other spots where the dirt has built up. Then wait 30-60 minutes for the mixture to soak in and do it's thing.
2. Then with a warm and wet wash cloth, start wiping off the spray. As you wipe it should remove the residue or dirt that was previously there.
3. Be sure to keep rinsing your cloth napkin or washcloth (you could also use a sponge) that way you aren't cleaning with the same dirt again. After doing this around your tub, it should be nice in clean in a fraction of the time!

See all the steps in pictures over at my blog:



Disclaimer: I am not a nutritionist or doctor. All opinions expressed are my own personal thoughts and feelings of the products mentioned. Check with your doctor or health practitioner if you are uncertain about trying out any of the products mentioned in this video.

Background Music: (Royalty-Free) "Happiness" by Pink Zebra

Thank you for all your support


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