How to Make a Parfait

Описание к видео How to Make a Parfait

Ice Walnut Parfait, which as the name is absolutely parfait. Inspired by Werner Christ, Executive Chef Spotless Catering at the MCG.

Serves 10

70g sugar
100g walnuts,
coarsely chopped
4 egg yolks
65g sugar
50g honey
200ml milk
Orange rind
Lemon rind
1/4 vanilla bean
3 tbsp Baileys
1 leaf gelatine
300ml cream
2 tbsp lemon juice

Melt sugar in a saucepan. Add walnuts and caramalise.

As soon as the walnuts are caramalised, poor the brittle on a lightly oiled baking sheet and let it cool down. Chop the brittle into small pieces.

Whisk cream semi stiff and refrigerate.

Heat in a saucepan, milk with lemon and orange rind and vanilla bean. Take the lemon and orange rind and vanilla out of the milk. Scrape the vanilla bean and add the seeds to the milk.

Whisk in a metal bowl egg yolks, sugar and honey, until creamy. Under constant whisking add the warm milk to the egg mixture.

Put the bowl on top of a pot with boiling water (double boiler) and whisk the mixture until it starts to get creamy, at about 70c.

Add to the mixture gelatine which has been soaked in cold water and Baileys. Whisk the mixture until it is cold and add lemon juice.

Fold the whipped cream and walnut brittle into the custard and poor it into a bowl or small moulds and freeze.

It can be served with chocolate sauce and pears poached in white wine with cinnamon and cloves, and a large tuille biscuit wafer.

WINE SUGGESTION: Sparkling Shiraz


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