how to make stone chain saree brooch / diy saree pin / @krishacreativemind 💙

Описание к видео how to make stone chain saree brooch / diy saree pin / @krishacreativemind 💙

#sareebrooch #sareepin #krishacreativemind

💙hi friends💖
welcome to krisha creative mind


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🌟Saran kolam notes🖤
   / @sarankolamnotes2705  


things we need 💙

💙stone chain👉mtr 25 to 40rs
💙stud canvas👉mtr 25rs
💙safety pins👉each 2rs

scissor, fevicol, safety pins you can buy in stationary shop stud canvas stone chain you can buy in button center , fancy store


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💖music details in this video 👇

song: jarico landscape ( vlog no copyright music )
music promoted by vlog no copyright music
video link    • Видео  

💖In this video intro details 👇

outro maker and intro maker for youtubers

app link : 😍 Download free Intro & Outro For YouTube Videos -

💖 another intro and outro details

editing app name : intro maker

Intro Maker

c.saranya 💙


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