NICU Grad! Home Feeding Plan. How To Reduce Pumping Safely And Breastfeed

Описание к видео NICU Grad! Home Feeding Plan. How To Reduce Pumping Safely And Breastfeed

You've spent weeks or months in the NICU with your premature baby. The time has finally come for NICU graduation! Your preemie is coming home!!! How do you move from pumping around the clock every 3 hours, to going home with your preemie and breastfeeding? Do you have to still keep pumping after every breastfeeding session? Do you save that breastmilk, give it to the baby? What happens if you just stop pumping? Keeping your milk supply high and baby safe and gaining weight is vital. But it can be confusing how to schedule pumping, breastfeeding and fitting your fortified feedings into your day.

Summer has it all explained for you. We will go over when and how it is safe to stop pumping and how to bridge pumping, breastfeeding and supplementing. We will discuss making sure baby is safe and the home feeding plan you have with your neonatologist is kept in place.

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