Elohim Arcturus and Victoria Keynote Meditation - Voices of Spring

Описание к видео Elohim Arcturus and Victoria Keynote Meditation - Voices of Spring

This is a meditation video for the Elohim of the Violet Ray - the Seventh Ray of the Holy Spirit. The music is a waltz, which is the Keynote of the Violet Flame. The 3/4 time waltz is the same rhythm as the Violet Flame itself. This particular waltz is called the Voice of Spring, and was originally composed for orchestra and solo soprano voice, but the high octaves used were a little too distracting for those who want to simply enjoy the singing of the Violet Flame.

The energy from this piece is very much the whimsy, the joy, the dancing and the Freedom of the Violet Singing Flame.

Arcturus and Victoria maintain a Retreat in the Etheric Realm near Luanda, Angola, Africa. The planetary focus of the Violet Flame is located over this Retreat - an intense and fiery emanation from the Heart of the Elohim precipitated from the Great House. Its influence extends over the entire planetary body and can be seen from a great distance, by those who have the inner sight developed. Elohim Arcturus and Victoria also have foci of the Violet Flame over Australia, the South Pole, the Pyrenees Mountains, Siberia, Victoria Island in northern Canada, and the southern tip of South America..


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