How to craft a Morin Khuur violin and protect Mongolian traditions | MONGOLIA

Описание к видео How to craft a Morin Khuur violin and protect Mongolian traditions | MONGOLIA

The steppes of Mongolia, in the heart of Central Asia, sometimes echo with the haunting sound of music that reaches into the hearts of animals and men.

The Mongolian nomads have attributed magical powers to this instrument since ancient times. In the hands of the shamans, it has even made animals cry. It's called the "morin khuur," or "horse-head fiddle." It's an ethnological treasure, but an endangered one. In 2003, UNESCO proclaimed it an intangible heritage of humanity.

Extract from The Soul of the Mongolian Horseman

Direction: Benoît Ségur
Production: ZED for TF1

#documentary #freedocumentary #mongolia #traditional #travel #morinkhuur #violin #music #instrumental #crafting #woodworking


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