Europe’s China Policy Between Rhetoric and Strategy | Manoj Joshi | Fellows Seminar |

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ORF Fellows Seminar | This seminar discussed ORF’s research paper, Between Rhetoric and Strategy: Analysing Evolving European Approaches Towards China. The panel will explore the ways in which European countries, adjusting to new global realities amid a war, are working to strike a balance between promoting their economic interests and the potential security risks of engaging with China.

Manoj Joshi, Distinguished Fellow, ORF

Shairee Malhotra, Associate Fellow, Europe, ORF
Ankita Dutta, Assistant Professor, Centre for European Studies, JNU
Himani Pant, Research Fellow, Indian Council of World Affairs
Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy, Affiliated Scholar, Department of Political Science, Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Adjunct Assistant Professor, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien


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