The Truth Behind The All Seeing Eye - The Bearer of Good and Evil

Описание к видео The Truth Behind The All Seeing Eye - The Bearer of Good and Evil

The All-Seeing Eye, also known as the Eye of Providence, is associated with Illuminati and overall conspiracy theory of world control. It is also on the American dollar bill surrounded by a Latin inscription. That, along with the questionable trend of celebrities' One-Eye symbol, makes the Eye symbol a feared one...
However, the All-Seeing Eye is the Eye of God, protecting the nation and its people. It's been a symbol of protection and well-being for thousands of years, stemming back from Egypt and the Near East...
... along with a symbol of Evil and Destruction.

In this video, we’ll look at the history of the eye symbolism across the world… its meaning of good and evil but also of its root, consciousness.
We’ll look at the psychology and philosophy of the eye. What is it about the function of the eye that makes it the advocator of the self? Why is the eye the cosmos that observes itself?
Answering these questions will explain why we seek comfort in the eye but fear it at the same time.

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