760 Cognos for Office in Powerpoint

Описание к видео 760 Cognos for Office in Powerpoint

This video will tell us everything specific about using Cognos for Office in Powerpoint. We will se how to import data, how to change settings and how Cognos tracks its objects in Powerpoint.

VBA procedure:
Sub ReadCustomTeags()
Dim pres As Presentation
Dim sld As Slide
Dim shp As Shape
Dim tagName As String
Dim tagValue As String

'Set the current presentation
Set pres = ActivePresentation

'Loop through each slide
For Each sld In pres.Slides
'Loop through each shape in the slide
For Each shp In sld.Shapes
'Check if the shape has tags ' "bigger than" sign is not allowed on youtube
If shp.Tags.Count "bigger than" 0 Then
'Print the shape name
Debug.Print "Shape: " & shp.Name & ", Shape ID: " & shp.Id
'Loop through all tags
For i = 1 To shp.Tags.Count
'Get tag name and value
tagName = shp.Tags.Name(i)
tagValue = shp.Tags.Value(i)
'Print tag name and value
Debug.Print "Tag Name: " & tagName & ", Tag Value: " & tagValue
Next i
'Add a separator for readibility
Debug.Print "-----------------------------------------"
End If
Next shp
Next sld
End Sub


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