映画「ネガティブ: ナッシング」予告編 2013年11月30日土曜日より渋谷UPLINKにて公開

Описание к видео 映画「ネガティブ: ナッシング」予告編 2013年11月30日土曜日より渋谷UPLINKにて公開

DVD: http://negativenothing.com
Streaming: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/negativeno...

映画「Negative: Nothing」予告編 2013年11月30日土曜日より渋谷UPLINKにて公開



Trailer for Swiss/Japanese cult documentary "Negative: Nothing" about Thomas Koehler, a Swiss man who walked 1800 miles across Japan after the Tsunami in 2011.

Playing at UPLINK in Shibuya Tokyo starting November 30, 2013

"March 11th marks a turning point in the life of Swiss travel agent Thomas Köhler. After the Tsunami and the nuclear disaster in Japan he loses all his customers, and eventually his job. Nevertheless, giving up is not an option. He decides to walk through Japan, 2900 kilometers from north to south, in order to show that not all of Japan is Fukushima. A trip of a lifetime starts through a country trying to cope with its biggest crisis since the end of World War II, but never losing hope for better days. The documentary film «negative: nothing» is a journey that changes the life of a travel agent forever and gives hope and strength to a nation. Even the longest journey starts with a single step."

Production: Asienspiegel & Thom Pictures
Written & Directed by: Jan Knuesel, Stephan Knuesel
Photos: Christoph Bangert
Music: Yukio Elien Lanz, Tim & Puma Mimi
Sound Design and Mix: John Kilgore
Sound Editing: Vera Beren
Additional Camera: Kachun Anders Chan
Design: Momo Vilaitanarak
Print Design: Hitomi Murai
Web Producer: Yoshimi Takano
Translation: Maya Hayashi, Paul Chudy, Jan Knuesel
Appearances: Thomas Koehler, Andre Zimmermann, Hiroshi Mizohata, Kohei Isohata, and others...

Technical: 78 minutes, Stereo, 16:9
Cinema Formats: DCP, BD (24fps)

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