Ending Batting Form Slumps (Don't make this mistake that 99% of Batsmen and Cricket Coaches make)

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The biggest mistake you are making, right now, that is causing cycles of prolonged form slumps and preventing you unlocking access to your hidden batting genius, is putting all your energy and focus into training technique and neglecting the two areas of your game that will bring Quantum Shifts in your Run Scoring Ability

99% of players and coaches think the key to improved run scoring and performance is through improved technique. They also think technical adjustments end form slumps.

And here is the truth… Technical improvements DO NOT lead to huge gains in run scoring or performance and they definitely don’t end form slumps, they actually prolong them.

Focusing all your time, energy and effort on improving technique is what is actually causing your frustration because you’re putting all this extra time into your game to score more runs, convert more scores and become a consistent run scorer who helps the team win matches and when none of these things happen, you get frustrated and start to lose your motivation to train and your confidence…

And even worse, when the scores don’t come and you’ve been 3, 4 or 5 weeks without a score… enter another illusion… you are now in a form slump.
So what does the batting coach do? He looks for a technical fix to end your slump. He suggests a change in setup, you try a new trigger, maybe he says your bat is coming from gully or 2nd slip and it needs to be coming from straighter, so you start messing with your bat flow, or he says you need to change your grip. All this does is throw you even more out of sync.
The truth is these types of actions prolong your slump because now you’re consciously trying new stuff in a game which makes it even harder to score. If you’re in your head you’re dead, and that’s the last place you want to be. It compounds things.

The next time you’re in a slump and the batting coach starts suggesting technical changes here’s how you can save yourself the pain of prolonging your slump.

The reason putting all your energy and focus on improving your technique is not paying off and delivering the type of gains that will catapult your career is because you are neglecting the areas of your game that actually unlock access to your hidden batting genius and the Quantum Shifts in Run Scoring your effort, ability and dedication deserve.

In order to experience Quantum Shifts in performance, like our clients, you need to address the two critical areas of your game that have actually caused the ceiling on your run scoring ability to date, these two areas are:
Your unconscious habits of self-sabotage that are tripping you up when you train and play matches without you even knowing it and a Batting Coach can’t help you with this…

The 2nd thing you need to do is start training and measuring The Fundamentals of Successful Batting because fundamentals inform technique. When your fundamentals are good you get away with more out in the middle, they create a bigger margin for error for you, you find more gaps, hit more boundaries and are able to turn the strike over with greater ease.

By focusing on these two critical areas with our clients, we collapse time and they experience the fastest, nonlinear, extra-ordinary improvements in batting performance in the World.

Just like my English client did when he scored 2000 County runs in 2019 by shifting his energy and focus to these two critical areas of his game. He had his most successful season in all 3 formats because he developed the skills become adaptable to different situations.

He scored 4 First Class Hundreds including a PB 227
He scored 3 List A Hundreds in a Row and was the leading run scorer in the Royal London One Day Cup scoring 524 runs, averaging 74.
He also posted a T20 Personal Best off 92 off 66 balls and hit 33.93% more sixes per game.

You might be thinking that’s just one player, well the average improvement for all the Pro’s I’ve worked with has been 41.73% above career batting averages across all 3 formats in under 16 interactions online or in person.

If you are a Pro, work hard at your game and are frustrated because all the time you’ve invested training technique hasn’t delivered the outcomes you know you’re capable of and are ready to experience nonlinear, Quantum Shifts in your Run Scoring by unleashing your inner batting genius for the World to see at this years IPL then get in touch and we can schedule a 20 minute Quantum Shift Call.

On this call we will:

Identify what is preventing access to your inner batting genius.

Identify the single most important skill you MUST have in order to handle pressure situations, adapt to any situation and be successful, score more runs and win matches for your team.

Create a personalized step by step plan so you can unleash your hidden batting genius for the World to see at this years IPL
If that’s something you’re interested in, then shoot me a DM and let’s schedule your call


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