News Track With Rahul Kanwal: BJP MPs Accuse Rahul Gandhi Of Assault, Congress Denies Charges

Описание к видео News Track With Rahul Kanwal: BJP MPs Accuse Rahul Gandhi Of Assault, Congress Denies Charges

A political face-off erupted in Parliament over Ambedkar's legacy, with BJP MPs accusing Rahul Gandhi of physical assault. The Congress denied the charges, calling it a distraction tactic. Both parties filed police complaints against each other. The controversy was sparked by Home Minister Amit Shah's remarks on Ambedkar, which the opposition claimed were insulting. The incident led to protests and counter-protests by BJP and Congress MPs. The transcript features a debate on the political appropriation of B.R. Ambedkar's legacy by the BJP and Congress. It discusses the spiritual status attributed to Ambedkar by Dalits and the controversy surrounding Home Minister Amit Shah's recent comments. The conversation explores historical perspectives on Ambedkar's relationship with both parties and the implications of treating him as a modern-day god.

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