Spine Based Movement: Wakening Your Primal Fish

Описание к видео Spine Based Movement: Wakening Your Primal Fish

How do we come back to the origins of our spine not as a column, not as something you are trying to hold up, but as who you are ~ a living Organism that moves like a river, a caterpillar… that has lateral fish motion, articulations and heart felt expressions. Your CORE tissue called PSOAS comes from the spine out of this center of your being. It was never attached. You grew as a spine-based Organism; a tubular being in the oceanic waters of your mother's womb. And as your cells organized around this axis of intelligence, which we think of as our core spine, we show up in the world. If your inner fish is undernourished you will be trudging, shuffling, and/or pulling yourself along with overdeveloped quads attempting to bring yourself fully into the world. But your core is a primal fish-spine with a brilliant oscillating heart field gesturing our longing to show up here on earth.


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