Retro review: Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy on Nintendo 3DS

Описание к видео Retro review: Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy on Nintendo 3DS

Get the game while you still can, Nintendo 3DS eShop is closing on 27th March, 2023! After that you can try to find a physical copy, see if your local library has the game or maybe there's some other ways to get the game...

#nintendo3ds #professorlayton

In this review, we'll look at the last mainline Layton game on the Nintendo 3DS. It was originally released on 2023, so it's officially retro this year!

I had nice time with game. The globetrotting story kept me interested until the end, the game looks really nice with the Ghibli-esque backgrounds and Layton trademark weird characters and most importantly, the puzzles were interesting. It doesn’t break away from the Layton formula, but after 10 years without a true new entry in the series, it feels surprisingly fresh.

00:00 Hello friends!
00:30 In the year 2013
00:45 Basics of the game
02:54 Story premise
05:31 Playing on the Nintendo 3DS
06:41 The Puzzles
08:29 How I liked the Story
10:15 Conclusions

Music featured in this episode

Professor Layton and the Curious Village - Layton's Theme [Electro Swing]
by The Musical Ghost
   • Professor Layton and the Curious Vill...  

Song of the Sea
by Mewmore
   • Mewmore // Song of the Sea (Professor...  

Puzzle Deductions (Professor Layton and the Last Specter Remix)
by Mewmore
   • Mewmore // Puzzle Deductions (Profess...  

Professor Layton Main Theme Band Cover
by Dr. Pez - VGM
   • Professor Layton Main Theme Band Cover  

I played the game on my regular sized New Nintendo 3DS, but recorded the gameplay for the video in the Citra emulator.


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