Upper limb anatomy | Lecture 8 (Part II) | The Forearm (Posterior compartment)

Описание к видео Upper limb anatomy | Lecture 8 (Part II) | The Forearm (Posterior compartment)

-Objectives of this lecture:

Part II:
1-Review the Radial nerve course.
2-Identify the Extensor posterior compartment of the Forearm.
3-Review the Muscles of posterior compartment.
4-Identify the Posterior interosseous artery and its branches.
5-Review the Posterior interosseous nerve course.

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بالدقيقة 2:40
حدث سهو و گلت deep branch of the radial nerve
يمر خلال Anconeus muscle
هذا خطأ
و الصح انه يمر خلال two fibers of supinator muscle

صححتها خلال المحاضرة لكن هذه الملاحظة للتنبيه قبل بداية الڤديو.

#anatomy #anatomyexplained #upperlimb #upperlimbanatomy #forearm_muscles


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