khatkhata ara sikta KURUKH STORY || oraon story|| kurukh hindi translation|| oraon hindi translation

Описание к видео khatkhata ara sikta KURUKH STORY || oraon story|| kurukh hindi translation|| oraon hindi translation

this video is a kurukh story or you can say oraon story here you will get kurukh to hindi translation.this video is a KURUKH spoken learn kurukh language you just have to watch this kurukh language this kurukh video you will hear a kurukh story or you can say oraon learn kurukh story you just have to watch this kurukh story translation this video is a kurukh to hindi translation.many people want to learn oraon language and hear oraon story for them this is the best learn kurukh language you need a kurukh spoken class and a kurukh spoken course and we provide all of these.if you want to learn kurukh language in hindi then you must watch this video.kurukh tribe and oraon tribe are same so if you are searching for oraon language spoken class or oraon spoken class then you must watch this video.some people write oraon language as uraw language and also write uraw spoken class or uraw spoken course for searching and if you aslo doing this then must watch this kurukh vieo and also my other this video you will learn kurukh language word meaningsand kurukh language sentence or you can say oraon language word meaning or oraon language sentence.we provide kurukh speaking class or you can say oraon speaking class to those who wish to learn kurukh tribe language or oraon tribe language .

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