The Crow Bar - Crows Try a Home-made Puzzle Feeder

Описание к видео The Crow Bar - Crows Try a Home-made Puzzle Feeder

In an attempt to befriend crows but discourage starlings, I constructed a simple puzzle feeder for the crows. They were immediately suspicious, as expected, but after a few days, they started trying it out. Will they learn how to remove the plastic domes to get to the scrumptious kitty kibble within? Watch and see!

00:00 What's a crow bar? And why?
02:37 Crow tries to solve the puzzle
04:08 Intruder alert!
04:20 Cool crow vocalizations & behavior
06:48 Another attempt
07:22 Breakfast -- and a spit take!
08:25 Fledgling demands pancakes
09:11 Black squirrel visits the crow bar
09:45 One last attempt
10:26 The Grand Finale!

Best viewed in 4K on a larger screen (iPad or larger). Suitable for all audiences.

~~ The Suburban Morrigan ~~

#crow #birdfeeder


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