🔴Subscription In NPO class 12| Subscription Account| calculation of Amount of Subscription | VIDEO 6

Описание к видео 🔴Subscription In NPO class 12| Subscription Account| calculation of Amount of Subscription | VIDEO 6

We have covered the Subscription and its Accounting treatment in 5 videos.
We have covered some Numericals also for a better understanding of the topic.
Please follow the Order below:-
🔴Subscription in NPO part 6 :-   • 🔴Subscription In NPO class 12| Subscr...  
🔴Subscription in NPO part 6(a):-   • 🔴SUBSCRIPTION IN NPO| Numerical on Su...  
🔴Subscription in NPO part 6(b):-   • 🔴SUBSCRIPTION IN NPO| Numerical on Su...  
🔴Subscription in NPO part 6(c):-   • 🔴SUBSCRIPTION IN NPO| Numerical on Su...  
🔴Subscription in NPO part 6(d):-   • 🔴SUBSCRIPTION IN NPO| Numerical on Su...  

In this video we have covered:-
meaning and accounting treatment of subscription. how it records in receipt and payment, income and expenditure & balance sheet.

Content of NPO:-
🔴 Introduction to NPO:-    • 🔴 What is NPO || Non Profit Organizat...  
🔴 Receipt and Payment:-    • 🔴Receipt and payment Account|| NPO||H...  
🔴 Income and Expenditure:-    • 🔴 Income and Expenditure Account ||pa...  
🔴#3(a). Income and Expenditure are the same as the cash book.
🔴#3(b). Income and Expenditure record Capital and Revenue transaction.
🔴 The balance sheet of NPO:-   • 🔴What is balance sheet || NPO balance...  
🔴 Special Item of NPO
🔴#1. Subscription Account:-   • 🔴Subscription In NPO class 12| Subscr...  
🔴#2.Legacy Account:-    • 🔴 LEGACY || Special Items of  NPO || ...  
🔴#3.Honorarium Account:-    • 🔴HONORARIUM || Meaning of Hororarium|...  
🔴#4.Life Membership fee:-    • 🔴LIFE MEMBERSHIP FEE  ||  ENTRANCE FE...  
🔴#5.Entrance Fees:-    • 🔴ENTRANCE FEES of Non Profit Organiza...  
🔴#6.Donation:-    • 🔴 Special Item of NPO || DONATION ||G...  
🔴#7.Endowment:-    • 🔴 Special Items Of NPO||ENDOWMENT FUN...  
🔴#8.Government Grant:-    • 🔴 Special item of NPO||Government Gra...  
🔴#9.Fund Based Accounting:-
🔴#(i). Meaning of Fund and accounting treatment:-   • 🔴Fund Based Accounting NPO||Non Profi...  
🔴#(ii). Types of Fund.:-   • 🔴Fund based Accounting||Type of Fund|...  
🔴#(iii). Solved Numerical Video 1:-   • 🔴 Fund based Accounting Numerical cla...  
🔴#(iv). Solved Numerical Video 2:-   • 🔴Fund based Accounting Numerical clas...  
🔴#(v). Solved Numerical Video 3:-   • 🔴Fund based Accounting Numerical clas...  
🔴#(vi). Solved Numerical Video 4:-   • 🔴Fund based Accounting Numerical clas...  
🔴#10. Cost of material Consumed:-
🔴#(i). Meaning and accounting treatment:-   • 🔴 Cost of Material consumed || Consum...  
🔴#(ii). Methods to Calculate the cost of material consumed
🔴#(iii). Solved Numerical Video 1:-   • 🔴 Cost of Material consumed || Consum...  
🔴#(iv). Solved Numerical Video 2:-   • 🔴 Cost of Material consumed || Consum...  
🔴#(v). Solved Numerical Video 3:-   • 🔴 Cost of Material consumed || Consum...  
🔴#(vi). Solved Numerical Video 4:-   • 🔴 Cost of Material consumed || Consum...  
🔴#(vi). Solved Numerical Video 5:-   • 🔴 Cost of Material consumed|| Consuma...  

🔴12th Accounts Playlist:-    • 🔴 NPO - Non  profitable organization ...  

🔴12th Business Studies Playlist:-    • 🔴 Business Studies Class 12  

For any queries do post in the comments or you can directly contact us through our Facebook page.
🔴   / rabhis-vlog-584495368904115  
🔴 TELEGRAM QUERIES GROUP:- https://t.me/joinchat/HcBJSBauC9QNdXm...
Your Queries:-
NPO subscription, NPO subscription numerical, numerical on subscription, numerical on subscription account.


Your Queries:-
Chapter 1 – Accounts – Accountancy – Class 12
NPO - Financial statements of not for profit organization class 12
Not for profit organizations concept
Receipts and Payments Account - features and preparation
Income and Expenditure Account
income and expenditure account class 12
the balance sheet of NPO
fund based accounting class 12th
How to calculate Capital fund in non profit organization
Entrance fees
Life membership fees
Special receipts
General donation
Specific donation
subscription account in npo class 12
honorarium meaning in Hindi
cost of goods consumed in npo
features preparation of income and expenditure account and balance sheet from the given receipts and payments account with additional information


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